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DSC_6162  [68 of 82]

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ExhibitPlus DSC_6162

FILE NAME: DSC_6162.jpg  |  DATE: 2008/12/14 下午 12:19  |  CAMERA: NIKON CORPORATION (NIKON D70)  |  RESOLUTION: 2731 x 1821  |  NATIVE FOCAL LENGTH: 44.0mm (35mm FOCAL LENGTH: 67mm)  |  FLASH: Flash fired, return detected, auto  |  EXPOSURE TIME: 1/80 sec  |  METERING MODE: Multi-segment  |  EXPOSURE MODE: Auto exposure  |  APERTURE: F5
DSC_6156 DSC_6157 DSC_6158 DSC_6159 DSC_6160 DSC_6162 DSC_6163 DSC_6165 DSC_6166 DSC_6167
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